The birth control shot

What is the birth contol shot? 

The shot, also called a contraceptive injection or Depo-Provera, is a hormonal injection that must be taken once every three months to prevent pregnancy.

How does it work?

The shot releases hormones so you don't get pregnant. You are protected against pregnancy for 3 months. The implant works in the following 3 ways: 

  • It blocks ovulation. This is the release of an egg from the ovaries. Without an egg there is no pregnancy
  • It thickens the cervical mucus. This makes it harder for sperm to reach the uterus and the fallopian tubes.
  • It thins the lining of the uterus. This makes it harder for a fertilized egg to implant in the uterine walls.


How effective is it?

The shot is very effective as long as you get your shot on time every time. 

You have to remember only two things:

  1. If you take the first shot within five days of the start of your period, you are immediately protected. Otherwise you need to use an additional contraceptive such as a condom. Or abstain from sex for the first week after the shot. 
  2. You must remember to get a shot every 12 weeks 

Is the shot safe?

Many women use the shot without any problems. But that isn’t true for everybody. Like every medication, the shot carries some risk, and certain conditions might increase the probability of side effects.

It is therefore important to report every condition you have to your doctor. Let him or her evaluate whether the shot is the right contraceptive for you.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the shot?




The shot is very effective against pregnancy

If you have side effects, the injection can't be reversed immediately

You only have to think about it once every 12 weeks

If you stop, it takes a while before you are fertile again

The shot puts contraception fully in the hands of the woman.

You may have irregular bleeding

The shot can reduce premenstrual symptoms

You may have side effects like weight gain and fatigue 

The shot reduces menstrual pain


The shot is private 


The shot can make you get your period less often while you use it.


The shot is temporary, so you can get pregnant after you stop using it if you want to.


The shot can make your periods get lighter.



Does it offer STI protection?


The shot doesn’t offer any protection against STIs. 

If you have sex and want protection against STI, always use a condom. 

Also test for STIs at the beginning of the relationship. 

Avoid changing partners frequently.

Where can I get it?

You can get the shot directly in private or public health clinics. Find a clinic near you in the clinic finder here (Link)

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