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Condom Myths Busted!

MYTH: Condoms are only for heterosexual sex.

FACT: Condoms can be used by anyone. Whether heterosexual, or LGBTQ. While it’s true that condoms can be used for heterosexual vaginal sex, they can also be used for other types of sex, such as oral and anal sex.. 

External, or male, condoms go on a penis and can be used for oral, vaginal, or anal sex with a penis. There is another type of condom called internal condoms, or female condoms, that go inside the body. 

The internal condom, sometimes called the female condom, goes inside the body to protect against pregnancy and STIs. It can go inside the vagina for vaginal sex or inside the anus. 

MYTH: Someone who has condoms is having sex.

FACT: Just because someone has condoms, it doesn’t mean they are having sex. It means they are taking control of their health. 

Condoms often do not expire for years, so it’s smart to keep them on hand just in case you decide to have sex in the future or if a friend needs them! 

If someone has condoms, they may have received them as a gift from a parent, sibling, family member, or friend who wanted to be sure they were safe if they choose to have sex. So, if someone has condoms on hand, it just means they know that sometimes people have sex!

MYTH: Condoms are uncomfortable.

FACT: Condoms come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and materials. What works for one person may not work for another person. 

People should be sure to use the correct size and just like fashion, not every style works on every body! You can try different condoms until you find your favorite!

 And don’t forget, if someone does not want to put a condom on their penis, you can use an internal condom for vaginal or anal sex!

MYTH: Condoms don’t work that well anyway so what is the point?

FACT: Besides abstinence or not having sex, condoms are the best method to protect against STIs. Some people have had an experience of condoms breaking or slipping off. Others may tell you condoms are not effective. BUT, the internal condom is over 79% effective at preventing pregnancy and the male condom is over 85% effective at preventing pregnancy. Practicing and using a condom correctly every time you have sex can make them more effective.

MYTH: The first step in putting on a condom is to check the expiration date.

FACT: The first step in putting on a condom is to get consent! Someone has to have permission, or consent, to have sex with someone else. 

Make sure you are talking to your partner before you have sex. After you have consent, it’s a good idea to check the expiration date. Condoms DO expire and they should be stored in a room temperature place like a drawer or bedside table and not in a wallet.

MYTH: If I am on birth control, I don’t need to use a condom.

FACT: Other methods of birth control like pills, rings, IUDs, and the implant do not protect against STIs. They only protect against pregnancy. 

So it is safe & smart to use condoms every time you have sex! Condoms and birth control work GREAT together and are the safest option to prevent both STIs and pregnancy! If you are interested in another method of birth control, you can find a clinic near you!

The bottom line is that condoms are important to use EVERY TIME you have sex to prevent against pregnancy AND STIs! It is also smart to have them on hand even if you’re not having sex.

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