About Us
one2one: Get all your answers on everything about sex, love and relationships.
What is the one2one website?
Karibu one2one! The website for Kenyan youth about love, relationships, abuse, HIV and mental health.
On this website you will find information, tips and personal stories of other young people just for you.
Our Vision:
All adolescents and young people are free and able to make informed decisions that lead to healthy and happy life in love, relationships, and sexuality
Our Approach:
The one2one website is part of a broader model, aimed at meeting young people’s needs in the areas of sexual and reproductive health, HIV, gender-based violence and mental health. The aim is to empower you, so that you are self-reliant and empowered to take charge of your own health. Do you have a question like ‘what contraceptives are available?’ or ‘what is the best way to kiss’? Get all your answers on the one2one website. If you need more personal advice, you can call a one2one hotline counsellor via 1190 or chat with them via SMS, WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger.