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How do you get an STI?

STIs is spread or passed through the exchange of semen or sperms, blood, vaginal fluid and mucous membranes. Some can even be transmitted through skin to skin contact. 

STIs are spread in the following ways:

  1. Not using a condom: Having sex with someone who has an STI without using a condom. This can be vaginal, oral, or anal sex. It can be difficult to tell if someone has an STI. STIs can be spread even if there are no signs or symptoms.
  2. Genital touching: Skin to skin contact when genitals touch can spread some STIs. It is possible to get some STIs, such as syphilis and herpes, without having sex. 
  3. Through sexual contact between women who have sex only with other women
  4. Mother to child: From a pregnant or breastfeeding woman to her baby.
  5. Through sexual contact between men who have sex only with other men

Did you know?

  • Only a condom protects against STIs
  • Only after the treatment of an STI is it no longer contagious.
  • You cannot get an STI from drinking out of the same glass, coughing, insect bites or a dirty toilet seat. 

Many STI’s can be cured if you get tested and treated in time.

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