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1190 Helped me Clear My First time Sex Experience Worries - Ebby 22 Years

I could not cope with their standards of living.
I am a 22 year- old girl from a humble family from a village near Nakuru. I attended both my primary and secondary school in Nakuru as well. I was viewed as a village girl with no civilization at all. My classmates would seclude me because I could not cope with their living standards. My life in high school was a bit tough since I had no money to spend on snacks as my friends used to. I wondered how they got the money. Coming from a humble family, I felt I could only look for a friend from a well-off family.

A friend
I was blessed to have a friend called Opiyo. His father was a lecturer at a nearby university, and his mother was an accountant. I saw it as luck since he could provide me with what I needed."Ebby!" Opiyo called out to me. He said that he wanted to take me out on a date. I did not question it; my heart was filled with joy since I had heard about dates and not been on one.

The Date
I woke up at dawn that day eagerly waiting for the hour. I took a shower, dressed up and sprayed myself, which left me smelling like a rose flower. One hour later, he came for me at my home, and we boarded a car which took us to a restaurant in Nakuru town. He ordered a meal which we ate, leaving me feeling as if I was in a palace. Afterwards, we went to our guest house, which he had already planned to be our resting place. It started raining heavily, and it was freezing. We sat on the bed, sharing our favourite moments and memories from our school days. Finally, we began to get comfortable, and I felt like I was talking to my friend.

The Proposition
Opiyo asked if we should have sex. Since it was a lovely date and my first time, I was curious and agreed. Although it was a bit painful, Opiyo and I had fun. The experience was okay. I felt in charge of myself and was happy.

The Real Feelings
The joy quickly disappeared when I thought about the fact that we did not test for HIV, and it felt hurried. When I say hurried, I have been thinking about it, but it still felt surprising. I became guilty and worried as we had not known about our HIV or another status. My panic also led me to believe that I had become pregnant. This left me even more panicked and confused.

Getting help from 1190 Counselor
I had heard of adverts with the 1190 number, so I decided to reach out. I spoke to a counsellor, and I explained how I was feeling. They assured me that having those thoughts and feelings was okay, and they went ahead to educate me on sexual health. They said it was risky to engage in sexual activity without protection and prior testing. However, I could still go to a clinic and receive PEP since it was only two days after I had engaged in sexual activity. They also told me that losing my virginity is not a bad thing and that I am in charge of my own body, and that I can choose when to have sex and with whom. This left me feeling more empowered. Finally, I spoke to Opiyo, and he, too, understood where I was coming from, and we decided to take things slow until I was more comfortable.





  • Brian
  • April 24 2023
  • 1:35 pm

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