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My STI story - Hassan 22
“Oh no, not again!”
After feeling discomfort in my penis while passing urine, I looked down at my privates to check the matter. On inspection, I noted that I had pus and some other discharge. Oh no!! Not again?! This was the third time I had contracted an STD. I did not know whether it was gonorrhoea or syphilis, but I knew things were not good.
Clouded judgment
See, I met a girl from the local club, and after a few drinks, I decided to take her home. I asked her whether this was okay with her, and she agreed, and we headed back to my house. Unfortunately, because we were both in a hurry, I did not use a condom or even ask about her status or anything! Now, I realize that it was a series of bad decisions that were completely avoidable.
Last warning!
I did not realize anything was wrong immediately, but after two days, I noticed a burning sensation and a foul smell when I was urinating. I decided to seek professional help at the dispensary instead of treating myself to the traditional herbs which a friend of mine had recommended. While at the dispensary, I met a familiar face, a local healthcare worker at the dispensary. He approached me and said, ‘’Bro, Tena? Wacha Wewe!” was my reaction, he continued “Ukiendelea hivi, hii kitu itakatika.’’ He said he told me that if I continued to not take my sexual health seriously, I could lose my penis or worse because STDs are a serious issue. He took me through charts of how adverse effects of Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and Chlamydia look like, and I was horrified. His words stuck with me because he told me that it is all avoidable by me just using a condom and frequently testing with my partners for STIs.
Parting Shot, for real
My treatment comprised injections and, yes, injections to my private parts and also some capsules; that experience was not fun. I would urge anyone reading my story to know that even if I got the treatment multiple times, it is a dangerous way to live. Always use a condom, frequently test for HIV and other STIs and also test your partners. No day, having sex should be prioritized before your health. One mistake can have a permanent effect; the medication is painful and expensive. Just avoid problems. Truth be said, prevention is better than cure.
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