Get Informed Topics HIV Living with HIV Can I still have a baby?

Can I still have a baby?

If you are living with HIV you can still have a baby if you want to. 

If you are adhering to your treatment as prescribed by your healthcare provider and have an undetectable viral load, there is no risk of HIV transmission during sex. 

As long as you have an undetectable viral load and neither you or your partner has any sexually transmitted infections (stis), sex without a condom is fine, but you will have to visit your healthcare provider first for some advice. 

If you have a detectable viral load, it is important you and your partner visit your healthcare provider so that they can confirm what would work best for you. This may include the HIV-negative partner taking PrEP

It is important to continue taking your HIV treatment during pregnancy as prescribed by your healthcare provider 

Having an undetectable viral load during pregnancy can reduce your chances of transmitting HIV to your baby to zero. 

Your viral load may affect some of your conception and birth delivery option. If you have undetectable viral you can deliver the normal way. If you have undetectable viral load, your doctor may recommend a planned caesarean delivery (Surgery) 

Do not breastfeed or pre-chew food unless your healthcare provider advices you to do so. This will help to reduce HIV transmission during breastfeeding. 

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