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My Boyfriend Ejaculated in the hot-tub or pool. Can I be Pregnant?

It’s highly unlikely.

Although the risk cannot be completely ruled out, the probability of this happening is very, very remote.

Here are a few facts to keep in mind:

  • If the water contains chemicals such as chlorine, sperm will die almost instantly.
  • If the water is cool, as it is in pools, sperm will also die very quickly.
  • In water that is warm and chemical-free, sperm can survive for only a few minutes.
  • Finally, if you are swimming in a pool or sitting in a tub, your vaginal opening will be practically closed, so penetration by sperm will be almost impossible.

Therefore, the probability that during a few minutes of life in the water sperm would swim exactly toward the vaginal opening and somehow manage to find a way inside the vagina is very, very low.

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