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I too, gave in to peer pressure- Isabella 20

“I didn’t want to lose them and seem stuck up”

When I was in high school I studied in an all-girls boarding school. In my first year, I was very disciplined and a straight-A student. I always topped my classes and I even made it to be the class captain. As the year went by I made new friends, friends whom I believed had my best interest at heart. Their beliefs and behaviors went contrary to mine but I didn’t want to lose them and seem like I’m stuck up so I tried my best to fit in and compromised on many important things honestly.

“I succumbed to peer pressure”

Most of them took drugs and they would sneak out of the school at night. In the beginning, I refused to go with them but as they continued to pressure me I succumbed and joined them. This greatly affected my studies. I started failing every class and was demoted from my captain position. To add on, these girls all had boyfriends and they would tease me about not having one and I was embarrassed about it. So one day, I decided to sneak out of the school with an agenda to find myself a boyfriend. I didn’t have a plan or even thought if it would be easy or not. I just went.

“My first sexual experience”

My life in school continued to change drastically, my performance continued to drop and my behaviour evidently had changed. The teachers who had noticed this behaviour and performance change called me aside to see what could be the problem. I didn’t listen to them. On one fateful day when I had sneaked out of school, I met a boy from a nearby school. We talked and went to a nearby bar, we drank and had a good time. As the night progressed, we looked for somewhere private and one thing led to another we had sex. For me, it was the first time, for him it didn’t seem like it. I went back to school as usual. But after two weeks, I realized I had missed my period.

“My worst fears were confirmed”

I started to freak out. Luckily, it was almost time to go home for mid-term and I could go and take a test. When I finally went I was scared and when they confirmed my worst fears, I crumbled with fear and regret. I could not believe it. How would I face my parents? What would they say? I decided I had to face my fear and come clean to them. They were of course shocked by this news. They didn’t take it too well and I experienced silent treatment for a while. During this time, I had to quit school but I continued reading and revising from home.

“I came through my experience stronger”

My parents finally came around and I managed to deliver my baby girl into this world with their help and support. When my baby was a bit older, I went back to school and my parents accepted to take care of my child until I completed my studies. When I went back I was focused on my studies. I knew that someone else was depending on me and I had to do my best for them and for myself too. I did very well and managed to join a university for further studies. Being through what I went through, I know I have the courage and strength to face whatever comes my way. I look forward to a bright future and to raising my daughter to be true to herself and never compromise who she is for anyone.


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