Get Informed Topics Abuse & Violence Types of Abuse Why do people stay in abusive relationship?
Why do people stay in abusive relationship?
Often when we know that someone is in an unhealthy or abusive relationship, we cannot help but wonder why that person doesn’t leave.
People choose to stay in unhealthy relationships for various reasons. Here are some of the most common ones:
- Some people, especially those who are young and inexperienced, believe that what they are going through is normal.
- Another common reason for staying in an unhealthy relationship is love. When you have strong feelings for your partner, it is common to keep excusing unhealthy behaviors in the hope that things will get better even when you know they won’t.
- Sometimes people remain in unhealthy or abusive relationships because their partners have managed to demolish their self-respect, often by isolating them from friends and family members and constantly putting them down. These people feel powerless and believe that their only choice is to accept their current condition.
- Lastly, people might stay in an abusive relationship because of fear. It is not uncommon for people in abusive relationships to be intimidated or threatened by their partners
If you know somebody who seems to be in an abusive relationship and is unable to leave it, don’t just ask yourself why this person doesn’t leave.
Instead, reach out to this person and offer your friendship and support.
Knowing that he or she is not alone might give your friend the courage to break free or at least to ask for help.
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