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Importance of HIV Testing - Robin 19

A romance horror

I had a fear of sex and its beliefs as I grew up, but I wanted to give it a try to the other side of the forbidden. I remember I was in college when this agenda became my pursuit. Living and studying in Siaya made the mission scarier. In my second year, I met a lady from a nearby college who made me feel some suitable emotional attachment, and with a little of the talking stage, we decided to try dating and see where it went.  


This went on till we decided to meet over at her place one night. This was another world of anxiety since I never knew what was coming or how to start anything. I had to dig into articles and watch porn to have ideas not to screw up that night. 

Where's the condom?

When bedtime came, I was more anxious, but after a few minutes, we joined forces and started kissing and stuff but never went to sex. It was exciting that I could not resist, and I soon went for sex, but she asked if I had a condom, to which I said no. She said no sex till we had a condom or just slept and forgot about it. I thought this would last, but she asked, "Do you know why I said no and asked for a condom?" I replied that no, I did not have.

The Shocker

She asked me, "Do you know your status? I said sure, I tested the other day. So I asked her what about you? She was like being positive, so I asked you for a condom to protect you, but I don't remember you listening. 

Testing for HIV

A cold chill ran down my face at once, and I saw the end of the world and cursed why I tried this idea I was always warned against. I dressed up and was ready to leave her place at 2 in the morning, not knowing where to go, but I wanted to leave when she laughed and got out some self-test kits and asked me to test, and to my shock, she was not as terrified as I was. I then asked her why she would lie, and she replied that it is still essential to use a condom and that the only way to be heard is by scaring me. I felt terrible that she felt she had to do that and also discovered that to enjoy sex with any partner, you must both be comfortable. 



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