Get Informed Topics Mental Health Mental health condition CAUSES OF MENTAL HEALTH ILLNESS
Having a mental health illness can be upsetting, confusing, and frightening. If you may feel that it is a sign of weakness, or you are losing your mind. However, it is important to note that mental health problems are a common human experience.
There is no single cause for mental illness. Several factors can contribute to risk for mental illness, such as;
- Drug and substance abuse, such as alcohol abuse
- Unemployment or losing your job
- Trauma such as rape, witnessing murder or violence, or accidents
- Heartbreaks and rejections
- Loneliness and self-isolation
- Losing someone very close to you. It can be family, friend, and even relative.
- Stigma and discrimination such as homophobia
- Gender-based violence and all forms of bullying
- Terminal or chronic illnesses such as cancer and HIV can lead to mental illness
- Unhealthy relationships
- Dealing with divorce
- Genetics and family history
Mental health illness can feel very personal and hard to understand, so the idea that there could be a distinct physical cause for difficult thoughts, feelings, and behaviors might make it feel easier to talk openly about your experiences and ask for help.
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