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Experience of being bullied in school- Odi 18
'Things Shifted'
I joined high school looking tiny and weak, making other students see me as inferior. My first day in school was just good. Then, all of a sudden, things shifted.
The following day, on a Tuesday, when I was heading to the canteen, some huge boys stopped me and took my pocket money, and I couldn’t do anything. Things went on like this to the point they turned me into their slave; I would be washing their school uniforms, including their innerwear. They, at times, brought their books so I could copy notes for them, this made me abandon my school work, and I feared that they would beat me as I had seen them do to others so I had to cooperate at all times.
Whenever my parents would visit me in school and leave some money and shopping, they are the ones who would enjoy it all. Things went on like this to the point that I started feeling embarrassed and decided to isolate myself from fellow students. I felt like I was the only one going through all the mess, and no one would understand what I was going through.
Constant Fear and Anxiety
The school turned out to be my worst nightmare; I wasn’t concentrating in class, and during the night, I couldn’t sleep at all, thinking about how miserable my life was. And at the same time, didn’t even want the night to end. My grades were also worrying, my parents tried to find out what was wrong, but I couldn’t open up because the bullies threatened to kill me if I opened up to anyone. Fear and anxiety overwhelmed me. This continued for two terms.
Opening Up
It reached a point they wanted to molest me; this was when I said enough is enough; I must open up to someone for me to get help. Thus I decided to approach one of the strictest teachers in the school. When I told him what had been happening, he was dumbfounded and actually sorry to find out.
The Road to Recovery
He immediately called the five bullies and took them straight to the principal. They got punished for that and given expulsion. I was given some sort of counselling, and with time I recovered because someone heard me and helped me.
You are not alone!
In conclusion, allow me to say bullying can take many forms, from physical to verbal harassment and social exclusion. It is a very traumatic experience, especially for teenagers who are still finding out who they are and where they fit in. However, it is important to know there is help available. If you suspect or know someone going through bullying, it is essential to speak up to trusted friends or family members or even turn to a professional. Remember, you’re not alone.
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